Vicki Campbell
I was born and raised in Lincoln, NE my whole life. I grew up in a big family where all my siblings were hearing except for me and my parents. I attended Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. after graduating from high school, and I met my husband there. After graduating from Gallaudet, we now live in Lincoln, NE with three wonderful children, Tyler (22), Anabelle (11), and Gabriella (9). Both my husband and I are strong advocators to ensure that many options are provided to Gabriella so she can thrive in the education system, and have access to effective communication like her peers. Whenever we attend any family events, Gabriella's siblings always use ASL when communicating with other people so she could be aware of what the conversation was about.
I have been on the Hands and Voices board for over 5 years now. I am currently working as a Rehabilitation Specialist with Nebraska VR for over 19 years. My focus is to work with Deaf and Hard of Hearing high school students and adults with career planning and assist them in finding employment.