Carli Fluent
Hi! My name is Carli Fluent. I live in Lincoln with my husband, Taylor, and our two boys. Sullivan is 3 and has typical hearing. He is smart, funny, sensitive, and a great big brother. Maverick is 17 months and has bi-lateral, moderate, hearing loss. He failed his newborn hearing screening and was aided at 4 months old. He has had his ups and downs as he adjusted to his hearing aids (and so did Taylor and I), but he is really doing great with them now. Maverick is fearless, chatty, energetic, and adventurous. Having a son with hearing loss was nothing we expected, but something we have truly come to embrace and celebrate!Â
I recently made the switch to staying home full time with both of my boys. Before staying home, I was a hair stylist and absolutely loved it. But, I am thankful to have this time with Sully and Mav while they're little. During the day we love to do anything outside-walks, digging in the dirt, going to the zoo, and of course, play dates with friends. When their dad is home- we love taking them to swim at the YMCA, wrestle (well, they all wrestle. I watch or take a break! haha), or go out for pizza. I have the passion to be a Parent Guide because I know just how scary those first few months are- and how there is a constant loop of questions going through your head. I am excited to support parents as they enter a whole new world, and work through those questions and information coming their way.Â